I love Cupcakes

I love Cupcakes

Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2013

Rezept vom 31.07.2013: Almond Butter Fudge (Vegan)

Today I tried the second Fudge recipe I got.
(One more to go ;-) )
To be honest, for me it does not taste as good as the Peanut Butter Fudge, but I think it is just because I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER ;-)

I also tried my new pinky glitter, which I got from the NY Cake Shop.

Almond Butter Fudge (Vegan)

1/2 cup almond butter
1/4 cup coconut oil
1 - 2 tbsp honey - 2 EL genommen
pinch salt - weggelassen, dafür aber
50g geröstete & gesalzene Mandeln, grob gehackt
1 tsp cinnamon - 1 TL Chai Küsschen
und pinkes Glitzer *freu*

Add all ingredients to food processor. (Or you can mix by hand.) Process until just combined. Nun die Mandeln hinzufügen. Scoop mixture into a parchment paper lined dish or into silicon molds. The size of the dish will affect the thickness of the fudge so use a smaller pan/container if you want thick chunks and larger pan for thin fudge (makes anywhere from 10-20 pieces). Top with sliced almonds, chocolate chips, shredded coconut, or whatever else you'd like.

Freeze for one hour (or until firm). Remove from freezer and pull parchment paper with fudge from container (or just pop from molds and you're done). Cut fudge into squares of whatever size you'd like. Return to freezer until ready to eat.


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